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Book launch – Tapestry of Memory: Evidence and Testimony in Life Story Narratives

Tapestry of Memory: Evidence and Testimony in Life Story Narratives

The newest volume in the series Memory and Narrative

Date: 13 September, 2013
Time: 15:00 – 16:45, followed by a reception
Location: Meeting room NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies Herengracht 380, Amsterdam

The NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies and The Huizinga Institute cordially invite you to attend the book launch of  Tapestry of Memory: Evidence and Testimony in Life Story Narratives.

The distinction between memory and testimony is a crucial theme. Memory, though selective, is the basis of testimony. Testimony provides an audience with information that becomes evidence of what was seen or experienced. Such evidence can form the basis of legal truth. In Tapestry of Memory: Evidence and Testimony in Life Story Narratives, twelve interdisciplinary contributors present narratives and explore the way they influence the perception of the past.

Editors dr. Nanci Adler and prof. dr. Selma Leydesdorff will present the first copy to prof. dr. Frank van Vree, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam.

A panel chaired by NIOD director prof. dr. Marjan Schwegman will reflect on the book.


  • Prof. dr. Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld is professor on the endowed chair for regional history and ethnology of Brabant at the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Tilburg University
  • Dr. Ihab Saloul is assistant professor Heritage and Cultural Studies & postdoctoral fellow Cultural Heritage and Identity at the capacity group Art, Religion and Cultural Studies at the University of Amsterdam

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Book cover