The Utrecht University Paleohub organises the congress ‘The Future of Paleography, Paleography of the Future’ on April 10, 2025, in Utrecht University Library (Science Park). We invite researchers
from all relevant fields (e.g. history, literary studies, art history, musicology, archival studies…) to join our congress by presenting a poster. We particularly encourage students and early career
researchers to send in their proposal.
The Utrecht University Paleohub is a group of researchers and students whose interests include the study of script and writing in all its forms. Starting from ancient scripts such as the Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets and the Egyptian hieroglyphs, through Greek and Roman inscriptions engraved on stone, medieval manuscripts and early modern incunabula, and up to present-day letters, journals, and graffiti, script impacts communication, identity and culture.
The congress aims to showcase current projects exploring the interaction of AI and other digital tools with paleography/script research. In the poster presentations, researchers may present ongoing research or showcase new digital tools in an informal, interactive manner.
Please send your proposals (max. 200 words) to Dr Renske Hoff: r.a.hoff@uu.nl. You may also contact her if you have any questions. The deadline for poster proposals is March 1, 2025