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Course Programme 2022-2023

Registration for the courses of each academic year will open from September. More masterclasses and workshops will be added during the course of the academic year. Stay tuned for more information.


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Workshop ‘Tackling Historical Women’s Writing: Research Practices and Communication’

UCMS Seminar ‘Premodern Reading Cultures between Transforming Materialities’

Cultural Historian’s Toolbox (PhD Core Course 2): ‘Wetenschappelijk Recenseren’

PhD Core Course 3: Huizinga PhD Conference at Dominicanenklooster Huissen

RMA Thematic course: ‘Gender, Sexuality and Generation: history van geslacht op geslacht’

RMA Thematic course ‘Key Concepts in Cultural History’

Online double Masterclass ‘From Creation to Destruction: Shedding Light on the Lives of Medieval Manuscripts (c.1300 – 1550)’

PhD Writing Retreat at Dominicanenklooster Huissen

Huizinga Winter School: ‘Introduction to digital history. Critical approaches to your data’

PhD Core Course 2 (Toolbox): Writing history using literary styles and techniques

Workshop ‘From the body politic to political bodies: power and disease in the early modern period’

PhD Core Course 2 (Toolbox): Replications in Cultural History

PhD Core Course 1: Positioning and designing your research

Workshop ‘Creating an annotated corpus for cultural historical research in the CLARIAH Media Suite’

Spring School ‘Historical Performance Studies’

RMA Thematic course ‘Heritage and Memory Theory Seminar’

RMA Thematic course: Global History

Workshop ‘The Longue Durée Perspective’

Workshop series ‘Image revolutions. Printmaking in the Low Countries from woodcut to lithography’

Cultures of Science and Art in Rome, 1400-1900 (Huizinga/KNIR/Hertziana)

PhD Core Course 3: Huizinga PhD Conference

Cultural Historian’s Toolbox (PhD Core Course 2): Digital Text Analysis – icw Huygens Institute and OSL

Workshop ‘Heritage in Conflict’

PhD Writing Retreat at Dominicanenklooster Huissen

Workshop ‘Outsmarting the Impostor: Cultural History & A Sense of Belonging in Academia’

Workshop Decolonising and Digitising Heritage

Archival Politics: Culture, Power, and Suppression

Summer School 2023: ‘History of the Humanities: Stories, Sources, and Challenges’