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PhD Conference Autumn 2019

Date: 15 & 16 October 2019
Venue: Dominicanenklooster Huissen
Open to: PhD candidates and RMA-students (exclusive for Huizinga members)
ECTS, only for PhD candidates: 3 (with presentation), 1 (auditor)

Registration: Huizinga staff members, ReMa students and PhD candidates are more than welcome to join this conference as auditors. Register here

Third-year PhD candidates who are members of the Huizinga Instituut present (a part of) their research at this conference. Their talks will be discussed by coreferents (who have been invited by the candidates themselves) and the audience.

Preliminary programme:

Programme Huizinga PhD Conference


Tuesday 15 October 2019


10:15  Welcome and introduction

Chair: Prof. dr. Arnoud Visser

10:30  Sabine Waasdorp (University of Amsterdam)
Creating, embodying and rejecting the ‘Black Legend’ Spaniard. Hispanophilia and Hispanophobia in sixteenth century Dutch and English literature
Referent: Prof. dr. Ton Hoenselaars

11:30 Michel van Duijnen (VU University Amsterdam)
From artless to artful: illustrated histories on the Eighty Years’ War in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic
Referent: Dr. Marianne Eekhout

12:30 Lunch

Chair: t.b.a.

13:45 How to publish your PhD thesis? A round table on publication strategies in cultural history

Chair: Anna-Luna Post. Discussants: Marc Beerens (Uitgeverij Vantilt), Marianne Eekhout (Dordrechts Museum), Lennert Savenije (RU) and Wendel Scholma (Uitgeverij Brill).


What is the best strategy for publishing your PhD thesis and how can you make it happen? The question is easier asked than answered. Partly this has to do with the nature of the genre: originally written as proof of scholarly competence, the PhD thesis does not always make a successful book. Partly, however, it is also a question of subject matter and approach. In this round table we will discuss publication strategies in cultural history at large, exploring relevant questions about aims, practices and timing, such as: What readership, exactly, should you try to address? How do you approach a publisher or series editor? And also on a more strategic level: how could publishing your thesis contribute to shaping your future career? Do you need to be pragmatic and swift, or is it better to revise and rewrite before submitting to a more selective publisher? The round table will include former PhD candidates, professional publishers, and academic editors.


14:45 Laura van Hasselt (University of Amsterdam)
The Invisible Urban Innovator: Piet van Eeghen (1816-1889) and the Modernization of Amsterdam in the Nineteenth Century
Referent: Annet Mooij

15:45 Coffee and tea

Chair: t.b.a.

16:00 David Veltman (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
Felix de Boeck (1898-1995). A transnational biography of an artist who never travelled
Referent: Prof. Hubert van den Berg, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic

17:00 Drinks and dinner


Wednesday 16 October 2019

Chair: t.b.a.

10:15 Anna-Luna Post (Utrecht University)
Early Modern Fame and its Risks
Referent: Prof. dr. Inger Leemans

11:15 Heleen over de Linden (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
Why former president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, decided on 21 November 2013 not to sign the association agreement with the EU
Referent: t.b.a.

12.15 PhD-ReMa Council


12:30 Lunch

Chair: t.b.a.

13:45 Pieter van den Heede (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Skipping the boring concentration camp? A focus-group study on how players reflect on ludic representations of the Holocaust
Referent: Dr. Ralf Futselaar

14:45 Tim van Gerven (University of Amsterdam)
“The Age of Severance is Over”: Scandinavism in Historical Fiction in the Mid-Nineteenth Century
Referent: Dr. Petra Broomans


15:45 Coffee and tea


16:00 Workshop organized by the Huizinga PhD-ReMa council:

Dirk Alkemade (Universiteit Leiden)

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17:00  Drinks