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PhD defence Renske Hoff (RUG)

PhD defence Renske Hoff (RUG)

On Thursday 23 June 2022, 12:45-13:45h, Renske Hoff will defend her thesis Involving Readers: Practices of Reading, Use, and Interaction in Early Modern Dutch Bibles (1522-1546). The defence will take place at the Academy building of the University of Groningen...
PhD defence Jon Verriet (RU)

PhD defence Jon Verriet (RU)

On Wednesday 22 June 2022, at 10:30h, Jon Verriet (RU) will defend his dissertation ‘Representing the Healthy Lifestyle: Contested Ideas about Nutrition and Physical Exercise in the Netherlands, 1940–2020’, supervised by Prof. dr. Marjet Derks and Prof. dr. Jan Hein...
PhD defence Fons Meijer (RU)

PhD defence Fons Meijer (RU)

Op 28 juni 2022, om 14.30u precies, verdedigt Fons Meijer in de Aula van de Radboud Universiteit zijn proefschrift getiteld ‘Verbonden door rampspoed. Rampen en natievorming in negentiende-eeuws Nederland’ (promotor: prof.dr. Lotte Jensen). Aansluitend zal er een...
PhD defence Tim Vergeer (UL)

PhD defence Tim Vergeer (UL)

Supervisor: Prof. W. van Anrooij, co-supervisor: Dr O. van Marion 6 April 2022 | 13:45 – 14:30 The Dutch Golden Age had its own Hollywood: Spain. Like today’s film blockbusters, Dutch versions of Spanish plays were performed on the stages of Amsterdam, Antwerp...
PhD defence Céline Zaepffel (UL)

PhD defence Céline Zaepffel (UL)

Promotor: Prof. P.J. Smith 16 December 2021 | 13:45 – 14:30 Why do French people know a few fables by heart? Æsopian fables have been taught to French children and teenagers for centuries, yet little analysis looks at these books as a corpus. Céline Zaepffel...