10 February 2022
On 11 February 2022, 10:15, Cora van de Poppe will defend her dissertation entitled ‘Werkwoordspel – Een literair-taalkundig perspectief op werkwoordvariatie in vroegmodern Nederlands proza’ supervised by prof. dr. Els Stronks and prof. dr. Marjo van Koppen....
24 January 2022
On Friday 4 February 2022, Renée Vulto (UGhent) will defend her PhD thesis ’Singing Communities. Politics of Feeling in Songs of the Dutch Revolutionary Period (1780-1815)’. De defence will take place from 14:00 to 16:00h at the Vandenhove Paviljoen in Ghent....
17 January 2022
On 11 February 2022, Bob Pierik will defend his dissertation entitled ‘Urban Life on the Move. Gender and Mobility in Early Modern Amsterdam’ supervised by Dr Danielle van den Heuvel and by Prof. Geert Janssen.
17 January 2022
On 17 January 2022, Berrie van der Molen defended his PhD thesis ‘Talking XTC; Drug discourse in post-war Dutch newspaper and radio debates’. The defence took place at the UU Academiegebouw and online, from 16:15-17:15. Supervisors are prof. dr. A.H.L.M....
10 January 2022
On 10 November 2021, Victor Guanmian Xu defended his PhD thesis “Pepper to Sea Cucumbers. Chinese Gustatory Revolution in Global History, 900-1840”. His research was supervised by Prof. dr. Anne Gerritsen and Dr. Fan Lin.
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