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Dr Mart Rutjes

“Politieke kernbegrippen: representatie en burgerschap, 1795-1801” Supervised by Prof. Niek van Sas and Prof. Wyger Velema

Marieke van Rooij

“Social housing at a turning point. Architecture, urbanism and socio cultural transformation in the Netherlands, 1960-1980” Supervised by Prof. Bernard Colenbrander and Prof. Jan Willem Duyvendak

Roumiana Popova

“Symboliek, allegorieën en actualiteit in Caprarola. Synthese van kunst, filosofie en theologie in het Palazzo Farnese (1559-1583)” Supervised by Prof. Bram Kempers

Seckin Ozdamar

“The Construction Of Collective Memory In Turkey: Centering Ankara, Recentering Istanbul Between 1923-1950” Supervised by Prof. Arnold Labrie

Dr Joris Oddens

“Het eerste parlement van Nederland: democratische cultuur in wording, 1795- 1801” Supervised by Prof. Niek van Sas and Prof. Wyger Velema