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Dr Sander Govaerts

“Mosasaurs. Armies and their influence on ecosystems in the Meuse region, 1300-1850” Supervised by Prof. Guy Geltner, Prof. Mieke Aerts and Dr Mario Damen

Dr Lonneke Geerlings

“Travelling translator. Rosey Pool (1905-1971), a Dutch cultural mobiliser in the ‘transatlantic century'” Supervised by Prof. Susan Legêne and Prof. Diederik Oostdijk

Ivan Flis

“Is psychology a theoretically balkanized field? Exploring quantitative methodology in the 20th century” Supervised by Prof. Bert Theunissen and Dr Ruud Abma

Dana Dolghin

“Beyond the Obligation to Remember: a Reassessment of “Forgetting” in Eastern Europe” Supervised by Prof. Rob van der Laarse and Dr Matthijs Lok

Dr Trude Dijkstra

“The Chinese Imprint: Printing and Publishing the Middle Kingdom in the Dutch Republic, 1595-1700” Supervised by Prof. Lia van Gemert and Prof. Thijs Weststeijn