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Cultural Historians Toolbox (PhD Core Course 2): Material & Visual Culture – POSTPONED to fall 2021

CC2 focuses on concepts, sources, and methods in cultural history, with a pronounced hands-on element. It enables students to develop their methodological skills, based on their own research objects and interests. The course consists of small modules which alternate every year to ensure optimal choice. Only the reviewing course recurs every year. New modules will added over time, based on the interests and needs of our PhDs. PhDs follow two modules to obtain 4 EC.

Each of the modules takes the form of workshop of three sessions, organised in cooperation with the Huizinga Research School’s partner institutions, such as the Rijksmuseum and the Huygens Institute. The modules are open to both PhD candidates and RMA students. In case of oversubscription, PhDs take precedence over RMAs.

This course is postponed to fall 2021