The N.W. Posthumus Institute, the Huizinga Institute, the Research School Political History and the Research School for Medieval Studies jointly would like to invite their PhD candidates and recently promoted PhDs to the PhD Career Day 2023. This event will be held on Friday 10 November at the Buys Ballot building in Utrecht Science Park.
We offer you an interesting day programme, with speakers from various sectors in society, who will shed their light on your options in ‘life after promotion’. Many of them are alumnus of one of the research schools involved and therefore know from their own experience which chances, choices and complications you might be facing as future or recently promoted PhD.
The day programme offers not only speeches, but also offers you the opportunity to bring forward your own questions and experiences. For example, the extensive lunch break will offer you opportunities to network and to have your CV reviewed by experts.
You can participate free of charge, but because of catering and room capacity we kindly ask you to register beforehand via this form.
10:00-10:05 | Plenary introduction, welcome and some practicalities |
10:05-10:35 | Keynote (Suze Zijlstra) |
10:35-10:50 | Crossroads in your career: what questions and doubts do you hope to be addressed today? (Henk Looijesteijn) |
11:00-11:45 | Parallel sessions 1 |
a) Academic sector | |
b) Heritage and museums | |
c) Entrepreneurship | |
12:00-12:45 | Parallel sessions 2 |
d) Government (including advisory bodies) | |
e) Private sector | |
f) Publishers / Press / Media | |
13:00-14:15 | Walking lunch & speed dates |
14:30-15:15 | Parallel sessions 3 |
a) Academic sector | |
b) Heritage and museums | |
c) Entrepreneurship | |
15:30-16:15 | Parallel sessions 4 |
d) Government (including advisory bodies) | |
e) Private sector | |
f) Publishers / Press / Media | |
16:30-17:00 | Round table (Henk Looijesteijn) |
17:00-18:00 | Drinks |
Confirmed speakers
a) Academic sector: Janna Coomans & Jessica Dijkman (Utrecht University)
b) Heritage and museums: Ruben Schalk & Jinna Smit (Rijksdienst voor Cultureel Erfgoed), Fred van Kan (Gelders Archief)
c) Entrepreneurship: Henk Looijensteijn & Suze Zijlstra
d) Government: Eline Van Onacker (Vlaamse Overheid, departement Werk en Sociale Economie) & Jaap Ligthart (Algemene Rekenkamer)
e) Private sector: Thomas Verbruggen (Bank Van Breda)
f) Publishers – Press – Media: Mirte Libregts (Walburgpers) & Astrid Verburg (IISG / TSEG)