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PhD Core Course 3: Huizinga PhD Conference

The next Huizinga PhD conference takes place on Monday 18 November 2024 at Utrecht University’s Academiegebouw. Several PhD candidates will present part of their research project. Their talks are discussed by co-referents (who have been invited by the candidates themselves) and the audience, leading to new insights and fruitful discussions.

PhD candidates and RMA students are more than welcome to join the conference in the audience. Attending the conference offers a great opportunity to find out more about the current research of our PhDs and to (re)connect with the Huizinga community.  RMA students have the possibility to obtain 1 EC by attending the conference and writing a short report afterwards. Instructions for this edition can be downloaded here.

Academiegebouw UU – Kanunnikenzaal
Chair: Prof. Arnoud Visser

10:00 Welcome and introduction

10:15 Anna-Rose Shack (University of Amsterdam) – The poetics of spiritual vulnerability in Anne Lock’s “A Meditation of a Penitent Sinner” (1560). Referent: Dr Jan van Dijkhuizen (Leiden University)

11:15 Ezra Engelsberg (University of Amsterdam) – Modi’in – Mannheim: Staging the Maccabean Revolt in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Germany. Referent: Prof. Jan Willem van Henten (University of Amsterdam)

12:15 Lunch (vegetarian) – Johanna van Westerdijkkamer

13:15 Eelco Boss (Open Universiteit) – The transnational roots of youth advice centres in the Netherlands. Referent: Prof. Sonja Levsen (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)

14:15 Workshop Griet Coupé: ‘Introduction to Storytelling’
This workshop provides an introduction to the art of scientific storytelling. You will learn how a research presentation can be transformed into a compelling, clear narrative that conveys the essence of your work. We will focus on ingredients like highlighting your key message, story structure, emotion and personas.

15:15 Closing remarks

15:30 Drinks (Kanunnikenzaal)

Register (19/40 spaces left)

Bookings are closed for this course.