On 8 and 9 November the two day Huizinga PhD conference will take place at the Dominicanenklooster in Huissen. PhD members will present part of their research project on the conference. Their talks will be discussed by co-referents (who have been invited by the candidates themselves) and the audience.
Attending as an auditor
PhD candidates and RMA students who are a member of the Huizinga Institute are invited to join the conference. Joining the conference as an auditor offers a great opportunity to find out more about the current research of our PhD community. RMA students have the possibility to obtain 1 EC by writing a short report on the conference.
Preliminary programme
Monday 8 November 2021
Chair: Prof. Arnoud Visser
10:15 Welcome and introduction
10:30 Marleen Reichgelt (Radboud University)
Zooming In: Children as Guides and Informants in Colonial Netherlands New Guinea, 1905-1910
Referent: Dr Marga Altena (RU)
11:30 Arnab Dutta (University of Groningen)
Kultur, Civilization, and Germanism in the Bengali Imagination, 1919-1945
Referent: Dr Carolien Stolte (LU)
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Workshop by Griet Coupé: How to give effective feedback
14:45 Sebastiaan Broere (University of Amsterdam)
The Right Kind if Peasant: Agricultural Extension and the Politics of Knowledge in Indonesia during the 1950s
Referent: Prof. David Henley (LU)
15:45 Coffee and tea
16:00 Adriaan Duiveman (Radboud University)
Breaking the Cycle of Catastrophe: Disaster, Time, and Nation in Dutch Flood Commemoration Books, 1757-1800
Referent: Prof. Judith Pollmann (LU)
17.00 Anne-Lise Bobeldijk (University of Amsterdam/NIOD)
Life after Maly Trostenets; trajectories of return to Germany and Austria from the Soviet Union
Referent: Prof. Ismee Tames (UU)
18:00 Drinks and dinner
Tuesday 9 November 2021
Chair: t.b.a.
10.15 Opening
10:30 Hans Wallage (University of Amsterdam)
Narratives of Humanitarianism and the Rise of Interreligious Jewish Charity
Referent: Dr Bart Wallet (UvA)
11.30 Lotte van Hasselt (University of Amsterdam)
Refugee politics and agency in the Dutch Republic
Referent: Dr David van der Linden (RUG)
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Debby Esmeé de Vlugt (Leiden University/Roosevelt Institute for American Studies)
A New Feeling of Unity: Black Power in the Dutch Atlantic, 1968-1973
Referent: Dr Maarten Zwiers (RUG)
14:45 Coffee and tea
15:00 Roundtable discussion: How to publish your PhD thesis
Chair: Anna-Lise Bobeldijk (UvA). Discussants: Marc Beerens (Uitgeverij Boom), Jeroen Bos (Open Access Officer Radboud University), Natalia Grygierczyk (Director Radboud University Press), Wendel Scholma (Uitgeverij Brill), David Veltman (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), Kirsten Kamphuis (University of Münster).
What is the best strategy for publishing your PhD thesis and how can you make it happen? The question is easier asked than answered. Partly this has to do with the nature of the genre: originally written as proof of scholarly competence, the PhD thesis does not always make a successful book. Partly, however, it is also a question of subject matter and approach. In this round table we will discuss publication strategies in cultural history at large, exploring relevant questions about aims, practices and timing, such as: What readership, exactly, should you try to address? How do you approach a publisher or series editor? And also on a more strategic level: how could publishing your thesis contribute to shaping your future career? Do you need to be pragmatic and swift, or is it better to revise and rewrite before submitting to a more selective publisher? The round table will include former PhD candidates, professional publishers, and academic editors.
16.00 Drinks
Registrations via our booking system are closed. Please send and email to huizinga@uu.nl if you would like to participate.
Register (2/13 spaces left)
Bookings are closed for this course.