The Huizinga research network for the History of Emotions is organizing a reading session. We will be reading and discussing together the recent article by Marie van Haaster, PhD Candidate and member of the Huizinga Network:
Van Haaster, Marie. ‘Both Meaningful and Embodied: Moving Towards Dynamical Approaches in the History of Experience’. Emotion Review 16, nr. 4 (oktober 2024): 211-23. https://doi.org/10.1177/17540739241259558.
Marie herself will be present to give a brief introduction to her article. Then we will discuss the text with each other.
The session will take place on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 16.00-17.30 at Radboud University, Erasmus Building, on the 10th floor, room 10.18a.
If you are interested in attending, please let us know by emailing jenna.the@ru.nl