Recently, the Huizinga Institute – the Netherlands Research School for Cultural History – has established a Research Network (RNW) “Theory of History”, alongside other existing RNWs.
Twice a year, the RNW “Theory of History” organizes a meeting for interested researchers and lecturers. Re-master students and PhD students are also very welcome. The goals of our RNW include strengthening the field of theory of history at Dutch universities and institutes, and to stimulate intellectual exchange between senior and junior researchers, e.g. by discussing papers or articles on the theory of history. There are close contacts with the History of Philosophy study group and the INTH (International Network for Theory of History).
The first meeting will take place in Utrecht, 22 April 2022, 3-5 pm. Address: Belle van Zuylenzaal, Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, 3512 JE Utrecht
After a welcome and explanation about our Research Network, Chiel van den Akker will present a paper on recent challenges in history theory: Reading Challenges in the Philosophy of History. The language of instruction is English. There is a livestream for students and researchers abroad. Afterwards there is a drink for everyone in the same room.
If you would like to attend this meeting in person or via livestream, please register with Annelien Krul (huizinga@uu.nl). Livestream: https://live.starleaf.com/ODQxMDg6MzgyNjU3
Prof.em.dr. Maria Grever (Erasmus University Rotterdam / NL-Lab KNAW Humanities Cluster) (board member Huizinga)Kind regards from the coordinating team,
Prof.dr. Herman Paul (Leiden University) (board member Huizinga)
Dr. Robbert-Jan Adriaansen (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Dr. Pieter Huistra (Utrecht University)