Dear all,
Monday next week, 25 November 2024, there will be a national protest against the extreme budget cuts that the Dutch government has set for higher education (of a billion euro). These cuts will have far-reaching consequences for all universities, and in particular for the humanities. The protests are organized by the trade unions and W&O in Actie. The demonstration will take place at the Malieveld in The Hague from 13:00 onwards.
As a national research school, the Huizinga Institute is concerned about the irreversible damage that these cuts will bring to our field: both to academic education and to the community that we form. We support the national protest and encourage all members of our community to familiarize themselves with the planned policies, and, if possible to join the demonstration in The Hague.
With best wishes,
Annelien Krul, coordinator
Arnoud Visser, academic director
Jan Hein Furnée, chair of the governing board