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Edurne De Wilde MA

Idols of the Mind: Modern Variations on a Baconian Theme, 1800-2000 Leiden University Project: Scholarly Vices: A Longue Durée History Promotor(es): Prof. Herman Paul Aanstelling: vanaf september 2019 Edurne De Wilde is a PhD student in Herman Paul’s VICI project...

Nick Tomberge MA

Tourists in the Colony: Dutch Travelers in the Indies 1870-1945 Leiden University Project: Vidi research project ‘Voicing the Colony. Travelers in the Dutch East Indies, 1800-1945’ (2020-2025) Promotor(es): prof. dr. Olf Praamstra, dr. Rick Honings Aanstelling: vanaf...

Jasmin Seijbel MSc MA

Football Supporters and Antisemitism in the 21st century Erasmus University Rotterdam Project: Sport and Nation Promotor(es): Prof. Gijsbert Oonk, Dr. Jacco van Sterkenburg, Prof. Maria Grever Aanstelling: vanaf oktober 2019 My PhD-research is on anti-Semitic hate...

Lisanne de Ruiter MA

Protestant chaplaincy within the Dutch military, between 1945 and 2001 [working title]   Theologische Universiteit Kampen Promotor(es): prof. George Harinck, prof. Jan Hoffenaar Aanstelling: vanaf september 2019 I will be researching protestant chaplaincy within...

Stefan Reyes MA

Cape of Storms: The habitus, ideological clashes and accommodation among Cape slave crew communities from 1780-1806 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Promotor(es): Prof. Inger Leemans, dr. Erika Kuijpers Aanstelling: vanaf 1 september 2019 I aim to investigate Cape Colony...