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Fauve Vandenberghe MA

“Hyenas in Petticoats”: British Female-Authored Satire of the Eighteenth Century, 1670-1760 Ghent University Supervisor(s): Prof. Andrew Benjamin Bricker, Prof. Marianne Van Remoortel Aanstelling: 2020-2024 This project offers the first dedicated study of...

Eelco Boss MA

Jeugd in opstand? De tegencultuur van de jaren zestig en haar invloed op de ‘alternatieve’ jeugdhulpverlening, 1968-1982 Open University Promotor(es): Prof. dr. G Blok Aanstelling: vanaf november 2020 Het onderzoek richt zich op de invloed die de hervormingsdrang van...

Valentine Delrue MA

Turning superstition into science. Atmospheric tides science and the transformation of astrology in Enlightenment Continental Europe Ghent University Supervisor(s): Prof.dr. Steven Vanden Broecke The period 1700-1840 witnessed the flowering of a new ‘atmospheric...

Florian De Roo MA

TIC Belgium. International social and legal reform organizations and congresses (1815- 1914) Ghent University Supervisor(s): Prof.dr. Christophe Verbruggen Building on the latest innovations in digital humanities, network analysis, and elaborating a newly developed...

Melina Reintjens MA

Renovating the church. Material culture, Habsburg ritual and early counter-reformation experiments in the Low Countries, c.1535-1585 Ghent University Supervisor(s): Prof.dr. Anne-Laure Van Bruaene, Prof.dr. Koenraad Jonckheere Aanstelling: 2020-2024 This project...