26 June 2023
Stadsafkerig vertoog in literatuur en kunst: een geijkt artistiek format of reëel? Longitudinaal en diachroon onderzoek naar antiurbanisme in de Lage Landen Supervisor(s): Prof.dr. Inger leemans, Prof.dr. Remieg Aerts VU University Amsterdam
5 June 2023
Mining the Dutch Attitude towards Animals and Plants (1500-2000) Utrecht University Supervisors: Prof. dr. Els Stronks, Dr. Ayoub Bagheri, Dr. Folgert Karsdorp Duration of your appointment: from 1-1-2023 until 12-31-2026 This project addresses the topic of the human...
28 March 2023
Baseball, Belonging, and Representation in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1950s-present Radboud University Supervisors: Prof. Jaap Verheul, Dr. Harm Kaal, Dr. Margo Groenewoud Title of overarching project: Re/Presenting Europe: Popular Representations of Diversity...
9 March 2023
Dutch East Indies Information Network in the Period of Transition 1799-1830 University of Amsterdam Supervisor(s): Prof. dr. K.J.P.F.M. Charles Jeurgens , Dr. A.F. Schrikker PhD starts Sept. 2020 This research focuses on information collecting, processing and archive...
13 February 2023
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