On Friday 31 March, 13.00, Vincent Batist will defend his dissertation ‘Pleasure near the Port: Spaces and Legacies of Notorious Entertainment Culture in 20th-Century Rotterdam’ in the Senaatszaal Erasmus Building, EUR campus. Promotores are prof. Paul van de Laar (EUR) & prof. Ben Wubs (EUR). The defence can also be followed by livestream: https://eur.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=89d13f89-2dfd-43dd-84b8-afa8010597f6
After the defence, the accompanying seminar will take place:
LDE-PortCityFutures seminar ‘Sensing and Reimagining the Waterfront’
Friday 31 March, 16.00-17.30, EUR campus (offline)
Organizers: Vincent Baptist & Paul van de Laar
More information can be found here: https://www.portcityfutures.nl/agenda/2023-03-31-seminar-sensing-and-reimagining-the-waterfront