Woensdag 18 september, 14:00 stipt in de Agnietenkapel UvA, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229-231, Amsterdam.
Martje aan de Kerk is a PhD candidate at the early modern history department. She is working on a project entitled: ‘Madness and the city. Interactions between the mad, their families and urban society in the Dutch Republic, 1600-1795.’ This project aims to uncover the interactions between the mad, their family and urban society, and to analyze the changing attitudes towards perceived madness in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The focus of the research will be on the changing daily reality of the mad and their caregivers during this period. Establishing what option people had to take care of their family members, how private and public care was arranged and who were classified as mad are key aims of this research. Thus, this project will incorporate both intra and extramural care for the mad and will therefore shed new light on the history of early modern madness in the Dutch Republic.