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Vacancies: two student-assistantships at the Huizinga Institute

The Huizinga Institute is the national research school of cultural history in the Netherlands. It offers a coherent programme of courses catering for PhD candidates and RMA students. It also operates as a national platform for cultural historians. The Institute currently counts 118 RMA students, 105 PhD candidates and 232 staff members, divided over 10 universities.

We are seeking two talented and enthusiastic RMA-students for the following student-assistantships:

1. ‘Digital Humanities in PhD/RMA education’
The student assistant will support the Institute from 1 April 2022 – 30 June 2022 for 0,1 fte (4 hours a week).

Digital Humanities (DH) have gained considerable importance in PhD/RMA education in cultural history. Building on existing experience in this field, the Huizinga Institute seeks to explore new opportunities to cater more directly to the needs of its members. To make this possible we are looking for a student assistant with an interest in the growing and changing field of DH. The student assistant will support the Huizinga office by:

– Mapping DH-education offered at Dutch universities;
– Interviewing students, staff and specialists about wishes, gaps and opportunities in relation to DH-education to PhD candidates and RMA students in Cultural History;
– Offering suggestions for implementing this education in our course programme;
– Researching the possibilities of bringing together potentially scattered DH-education in the Netherlands and offering it nationally via the Dutch National Research Schools.

2. ‘HI Alumni Community’
The student assistant will support the Institute from 1 April 2022 – 30 June 2022 for 0,2 fte (8 hours a week).

Since its founding in 1995, the Huizinga Institute has trained hundreds of cultural historians, who have continued their careers in many different professional contexts. The Institute is keen to strengthen its network of alumni and offer its community opportunities for exchange and interaction. As a student assistant you would help to make our alumni community more visible and contribute to developing new initiatives. You would support the Huizinga office by:

– Working on the (digital) visibility of Huizinga Institute Alumni, e.g. by creating an online alumni inventory and making (video) content for our website and social media;
– Organising two alumni/career related events together with the Huizinga office.
– Drafting up an action plan building on an existing set of recommendations regarding an alumni policy for the HI;

The student assistants should be enrolled (fulltime) at a Dutch University during the full term of the assistantship. They will be employed by Utrecht University.

This vacancy is open to non-Dutch speaking students, but passive knowledge of Dutch is recommended.

Are you interested in this vacancy? Please send us a short motivation (1 A4 max.) and resume (, both in PDF, before 21 February 2022. Applicants may write their motivation letter in either Dutch of English.

For more information, please contact coordinator Annelien Krul (