22 October 2019
Date: 4 February 2020 Time: 13.00 – 17.00 Venue: Utrecht University, Janskerhof 12, meeting room 0.02 (this is a changed location). Open to: PhD candidates who are a member of the Huizinga Institute Credits: 1 ECTS (available upon request) Coordination: Thomas...
1 October 2019
Masterclass honouring the 40th Erasmus Birthday Lecture Grantley McDonald: Negotiating orthodoxy: Erasmus and the theological implications of biblical philology ReMa-students and PhD candidates can participate for 1 ECTS (for attending both the lecture and the...
12 July 2019
Dates and time: 8-9-10 July 2020 Venue: Erasmus University Rotterdam Open to: RMa Students and PhD students who are a member of a Dutch Graduate Research School (onderzoekschool). Members of the Huizinga Institute will have first access until 1 December 2019. Fee...
12 July 2019
Dates and time: 30 April, 8 May, 14 May, 20 May (note: not 22 May as previously advertised), 28 May (14:00-18:00); 11 June (12-20h) 2020 (note: not 5 June as previously advertised) Venue: University of Amsterdam (room TBA) Open to: RMa Students who are a member of a...
12 July 2019
Dates: Fridays 24 April, 1 May, 15 May, 29 May, 12 June 2020 Time: 13.15-16.15h Venue: Utrecht University (Drift 21, room 0.06) and Utrecht University Library (29 May: Bucheliuszaal) Open to: RMa Students who are a member of a Dutch Graduate Research School...
27 March 2019
Verslag Masterclass Benjamin Schmidt: De Brakke Grond 23 maart 2019 Het doel van deze masterclass was om een diverse groep studenten kennis te laten maken met elkaar en het werk van Benjamin Schmidt. Centraal stond hier Schmidt’s werk over de verbeelding van...
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