Huizinga Institute International Conference
Cultures of War and Peace
17 – 19 June 2013, The Hague and Utrecht
PDF of the full programme, including abstracts
This conference is part of our Summer school. Participation in the conference is open to all and free. Registration is obligatory; send an email with your name and affiliation to
PDF of the Conference Programme
Monday 17 June 2013: Cultures of War and Peace I: Keynotes
Afternoon 14.00 – 18.00 – Peace Palace, The Hague
14.00 Jay Winter (Yale University): Writing war
15.00 Selma Leydesdorff (University of Amsterdam): Beyond the language of the courtroom: the narratives of the survivors of Srebrenica
16.00 Coffee & tea break
16.30 Frank van Vree (University of Amsterdam): The imagery of war. Screening the battlefield in the twentieth century
Tuesday 18 June: Cultures of War and Peace II
Morning 9.30-13.00 – Sweelinckzaal, Utrecht University
9.30 Lotte Jensen (Radboud University Nijmegen): War and peace in shaping early modern Dutch identity
10.15 Hans Cools (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven): Princes of peace. Princely discourses on peace from Charles V to Louis XIV (16th-17th centuries)
11.00 Coffee & tea break
11.30 Olaf van Nimwegen (Utrecht University): The enigma of firepower c. 1500-1900
12.15 Micha Kemper (University of Amsterdam): Cultures of jihad: Islamic civil war
–The afternoon programme is exclusively for (registered) PhD candidates and Rma students—
Wednesday 19 June: Cultures of War and Peace III
Morning 9.00 – 12.00 – Kanunnikenzaal, Academiegebouw, University of Utrecht
9.00 Michael Wintle (University of Amsterdam): War and European identity in the twentieth century
9.45 Gerhard Hirschfeld (Stuttgart Universität): The memory of the ‘Great War’ in Germany
10.30 Coffee & tea break
11.00 Geert Somsen (Maastricht University): The sciences were never at war’: ideological uses of science in war and peace
11.45 David Pascoe (Utrecht University): English novelists and War Office politics in the Second World War
12.30 Final discussion
–The afternoon programme is exclusively for (registered) PhD candidates and Rma students—