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Anna-Rose Shack MA

PhD candidate


Area(s) of interest: Early Modern History, Gender, Languages & Literature, British History

Cohort/Start PhD: 2020-2021

Languages of Vulnerability in Early Modern Women’s Poetry


University of Amsterdam
Promotor(es): Dr Kristine Johanson and Prof. dr. Carrol Clarkson.
Project start date: September 2020


This NWO-funded research project analyses the diverse ways in which sixteenth and seventeenth-century female poets represent and articulate vulnerability in lyric poetry. The project examines how poets such as Anne Lock, Isabella Whitney, Aemilia Lanyer, Hester Pulter and Margaret Cavendish engage with discourses of vulnerability within a decidedly patriarchal culture. Offering a counter-perspective to androcentric narratives on the development of selfhood in early modernity, this research innovatively harnesses vulnerability as a conceptual approach to investigate the formation of early modern female poetic selfhood.