All are invited to join the roundtable discussion at the Huizinga Institute PhD conference. You may join for just this session, or other parts of the conference as well. Please register via
Roundtable session ‘Publishing your PhD Thesis’
Tuesday 18 April, 13:30-14:30h, Academiegebouw in Utrecht (Belle van Zuylenzaal)
Chair: Edurne De Wilde (UL). Discussants: Alessandra Giliberto (Acquisitions Editor Brill Academic Publishers), Laura van Hasselt (UvA), Steije Hofhuis (UU), Inge Klompmakers (Commissioning Editor Amsterdam University Press), Eva Pool (Acquisitions editor Uitgeverij Verloren), Jeroen Sondervan (Open Access Publishing Consultant UU).
What is the best strategy for publishing your PhD thesis and how can you make it happen? The question is easier asked than answered. Partly this has to do with the nature of the genre: originally written as proof of scholarly competence, the PhD thesis does not always make a successful book. Partly, however, it is also a question of subject matter and approach. In this round table we will discuss publication strategies in cultural history at large, exploring relevant questions about aims, practices and timing, such as: What readership, exactly, should you try to address? How do you approach a publisher or series editor? And also on a more strategic level: how could publishing your thesis contribute to shaping your future career? Do you need to be pragmatic and swift, or is it better to revise and rewrite before submitting to a more selective publisher? The round table will include former PhD candidates, professional publishers, and academic editors.